American Gods: 11 Things You Need To Know

8. And The Lead Duo Are Perfect

American Gods Shadow Wednesday

Speaking of the cast, while the deep roster of supporting players is both very important and exciting, a lot of this series is going to rest on its leads. The book is a real two-hander between Shadow Moon and Mr Wednesday, and if the show doesn't get those two right then it won't really matter what else it does.

Thankfully, based on the names attached (and the early glimpses we've had of them), they do appear to have absolutely nailed it.

Ricky Whittle has the job of serving as the series' protagonist Shadow, and looks to be a great fit for the role. He certainly looks the part, with the required physicality and suitable good looks (Shadow's race, meanwhile, is pretty ambiguous in the books). Known for his role on The 100 (or to certain viewers, i.e. myself, Sky One's Dream Team), he definitely seems capable of pulling off the strong, silent, and brooding nature of Shadow, along with all the heart the character requires too. Gaiman certainly agrees, calling his auditions "remarkable".

As for Ian McShane, well, that's pretty much taking a dream fan-casting and making it a reality. Mr Wednesday is an enigmatic yet hugely powerful being, and McShane possesses both the gravitas and the gruff charm to pull that off perfectly. It's a character of strength, intelligence, and a lot of mystery and deviousness, and McShane fits every requirement, including looking the part.

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American Gods
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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.