American Horror Story: 10 Most F**ked Up Characters (So Far)

7. Leigh Emerson

American Horror Story Dandy Mott

Portrayed By: Ian McShane

Season: 2 - Asylum

The creepy Santa just in time for Christmas. Sure, the story of Leigh Emerson was horrendous - incarcerated for stealing a loaf of bread, then gang-raped, but does that really warrant mass murder? Aside from the murder of 18 victims from various families, and a sidewalk santa, Sister Jude was never a great woman, but Emerson repeatedly caned her and tried to rape her. Prior to his escape he went on to murder several nuns, prompting Lana's chapter Santa and the Seven Nuns.

His other most violent act was crucifying Monsignor Timothy Howard on a giant cross. After this Emerson vanished into the night - meaning that he is one of the few to make the list who didn't get his comeuppance. There were many depraved characters on the show, but combining them with everyone's childhood hero was sick even for Horror Story.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap