American Horror Story: 10 Most F**ked Up Characters (So Far)

6. Delphine LaLaurie

American Horror Story Dandy Mott

Portrayed By: Kathy Bates

Season: 3 - Coven

Whereas it would be easy to give the top spot to the New Orleans socialite-cum-racist, I hate to say that Delphine isn't the worst person on this list - vile, I know! Spending over 150 years locked in a box seemed to do Delphine some sort of good, and she "briefly" reformed her ways. Things were looking so good as she bonded with Queenie, then she had to go and ruin it all by sparking up another race war with Marie Laveau.

Delphine definitely got a taste of her own medicine, trapped for eternity in her own personal hell, watching her worst enemy butcher her daughter forever and ever, and ever. It (almost) makes you feel sorry for her...but not quite. However, we will remember her as the sick woman who created minotaur men, and used new-born babies as a face mask.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap