American Horror Story: 10 Most F**ked Up Characters (So Far)

5. James Patrick March

American Horror Story Dandy Mott

Portrayed By: Evan Peters

Season: 5 - Hotel

Evan Peters was once again flipping between the roles of good and evil to play James Patrick March. Responsible for the construction the Hotel Cortez, March goes down as probably the show's most prolific serial killer - in life and in death. With secret chutes, rampant addiction demons, and people being sewn into mattresses, March's reign over the Cortez will still send a shiver down your spine.

What makes the man that much more of a maniac was his cavalier approach to it all. Holding his Devil's Dinner Party with some of history's most notorious serial killers, as well as pushing Wes Bentley's John Doe down a path to evil. However, at the core of it all, March pined for the love of his life, GaGa's Elizabeth. He had a screw loose long before then, but he still had a heart somewhere. I hate to say it, but I almost "liked" March, which is why he can't move further up the list. As serial killers go, he was always punctual and polite, so what else could you ask for?


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap