American Horror Story: 10 Most F**ked Up Characters (So Far)

3. Tate Langdon

American Horror Story Dandy Mott

Portrayed By: Evan Peters

Season: 1 - Murder House

On the surface Tate was just a messed up teen, and that is exactly why he makes the list. In an era of school shootings and gun laws, the story of Tate Langdon couldn't be more timely after he went on a careless rampage murdering 15 classmates. He may have tried to repent for his sins, but it is a case of too little, too late.

Sure, the romance of Tate and Violet Harmon from the first series was a Romeo and Juliet, but that kid was pure evil. We also forget that Tate was the infamous Rubber Man - Murder House's big bad. He murdered gay couple Chad and Patrick, sodomising one of them with a fire iron, and also raped Vivien Harmon. If that wasn't bad enough, he then took the body of Violet Harmon and hid her under the house; whether or not it was for her own good is up for debate, but Tate was one sick puppy.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap