American Horror Story: 10 Most Insane Fan Theories

4. Camp Redwood Is A Simulation

Cult AHS Dandy

The most recent outing of American Horror Story took viewers back to the year 1984 for a slasher-inspired trip to Camp Redwood. It was here we witnessed a group of teen counsellors face-off against fabled serial killer Mr Jingles (John Carroll Lynch).

However - aside from the return of a notorious serial killer - things at the camp didn’t appear quite right from the offset. The biggest indicator that everything wasn’t as it seemed came in the form of a hitchhiker named Jonas (Lou Taylor Pucci), who dies a total of three times within the first three episodes and retains no memory of what happened afterward.

Likewise, telling lines such as “You’re not supposed to be here!” and “Wait, I don’t die here!” that Jonas says to other resident serial killer Richard Ramirez (Zach Villa) piqued the attention of viewers. Consequently, this caused some fans to conclude that Camp Redwood was actually a computer simulation, similar to what we saw in Drew Goddard’s The Cabin In The Woods.

While the series’ big twist proved to be rather different in nature, this theory nevertheless makes for a fun interpretation of the show’s events.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.