American Horror Story: 10 Most Insane Fan Theories

5. James March Killed The Montgomery Baby

Cult AHS Dandy

He’s eccentric, charming, sharply dressed, and ruthlessly cruel. It’s no surprise that James Patrick March (Peters) is one of the most iconic characters to have appeared in American Horror Story to date.

Inspired by the real-life American serial killer H.H Holmes, who allegedly created a labyrinthian hotel he used as his personal torture chamber, we see the original proprietor and architect of the Hotel Cortez commit plenty of horrific acts.

But what if he was the culprit behind a far more monstrous act than burning someone alive or sealing a couple behind a brick wall? What if, as some fans believe, he was the one who kidnapped and butchered the Montgomery baby from Murder House?

The infant son of a drug-addicted abortion doctor of Los Angeles’ high society, this poor child was said to have been taken by a boyfriend of one of Montgomery's patients as revenge. We know that The Countess visited the doctor to abort the child she had with James (her lover at the time), which led to her having Bartholomew, so could this mean March was the jealous boyfriend?

Although there’s no explicit evidence that March kidnapped the child, it’s certainly something he’d be capable of.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.