American Horror Story: 12 Most Dramatic Deaths

10. The Teacher

Season: Hotel Is there anything worse than seeing a teacher not able to control her class? How about those kids drinking the blood of their teacher? Yeah, this one was pretty bad. Unfortunately Alex thought she was saving a life but she's just made things a lot worse as now there are a lot of children running around LA who are addicted to drinking blood, and they're killing anyone for it. There's something unnatural about watching children make the decision to take a life as it's usually adults who are responsible for creating such heinous crimes. Having said that, the kids are then draining their victims of their blood. And they're getting away with it too because they're children and who could suspect kids of such unnatural behaviour?

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.