American Horror Story: 12 Most Dramatic Deaths

11. Elizabeth Short

Season: Murder House Poor Elizabeth Short. She went to Dr. Charles Montgomery for help in her hour of need and he took advantage of her and then ended her life. Based on the unsolved case of the Black Dahlia, Short's character suffers the same fate as the poor woman who was mutilated in 1947. Her body was sliced in half at the waist and unfortunately, her death has not yet received justice as the case has still not been solved since the tragedy occurred. American Horror Story recreated the death as experienced by Short and they also included the brutal mutilations that the killer performed on her body, including cutting the corners of her mouth open to create a wider smile. For fans of the show who may not have heard of the Black Dahlia case before, the death did come as a bit of a shock simply because of the brutal nature of her murder. Obviously, murder will always be brutal, but the poor girl was cut in half and left on the street.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.