American Horror Story: 15 Times It Went Too Far

6. The Abortion

Season: 2 AHS: Asylum

The topic of abortion is a taboo subject within society, let alone on television, but AHS manages to incorporate the action into an episode aptly named The Coat Hanger in Asylum. Lana (Sarah Paulson) completely convinces the audience of the mindset of a pregnant woman who does not see that baby as a human, but as an unwanted and invasive 'thing.'

Lana is raped by Bloody Face and when she is taken back to Briarcliff as a patient, she finds the nuns to be extremely unsympathetic of her current situation. In an attempt to literally take things into her own hands, she performs an abortion on herself with a coat hanger. It is without a doubt one of the darkest moments of the season and probably one of the most brutal abortion storylines to appear on television.


Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.