American Horror Story: 15 Times It Went Too Far

7. The Minotaur

Season: 3 AHS: Coven

Everything about Madame LaLaurie's attic is full of horrors. It is never comfortable to acknowledge that humans can be cruel and the loss of humanity within the confines of her attic are simply staggering. But after all, the Slave Trade did happen and people were punished and judged on the colour of their skin and it should be used now the most basic lesson of what it is to be a human being.

As if watching the torture of innocent slaves wasn't bad enough, one of them is turned into an actual Minotaur. Bastien was a former slave of Lalaurie and was transformed into a Minotaur who is ordered to kill Delphine. However his mission becomes sidetracked by Queenie who logically tries to seduce him. Except he's a Minotaur... and sort of rips her in half with his penis.


Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.