American Horror Story: 15 Times It Went Too Far

11. The Addiction Demon

Season: 5 AHS: Hotel

The Addiction Demon is probably on level with Twisty as the scariest character to emerge from the show. He is ridiculously creepy with skin that covers his whole face and eyes and of course, the penis which resembles a drill is nothing short of terrifying. The Addiction Demon represents addiction in its darkest form, luring people into a life of darkness that comes with most addictions, especially with drug users.

He symbolises the decay of the body, the physical and mental weights of living the life of an addict and he also shows how addiction has an effect on the people around you. Unfortunately for Gabriel, he suffered the fate of the Demon first hand and it is displayed in this terrifying rape scene which went on for hours. Well, hours for Gabriel but a few minutes of watching it was enough for most viewers.


Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.