American Horror Story: 15 Times It Went Too Far

10. Patrick's Death

Season: 1 AHS: Murder House

Being unfaithful to your partner is never going to give you good karma, but a poker up the backside? Ouch. Chad and Patrick moved into the Murder House together and it becomes clear that their relationship is gradually breaking, mainly due to Patrick's infidelity. In an attempt to reignite their passion and love for one another, Patrick buys the latex BDSM to seduce Patrick and thus the creation of the Rubber Man is born and he is probably the most iconic characters of the first season.

As the pair are living in the Murder House, it isn't long until they are killed off by none other than Tate who is wearing the suit. He kills both men in an attempt to make it look like a double suicide, but he sticks the poker up Patrick's arse for good measure. This act of violence hardly screams 'self inflicted'.


Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.