American Horror Story: 15 Times It Went Too Far

8. The Not So Jolly Santa Claus

Season: 2 AHS: Asylum

Santa Claus. Saint Nicholas. Father Christmas. He is a cheery old man who dearly loves his wife and every single child in the world, unless you're on the naughty list. A universal symbol of gift giving, Santa Claus is known by every child in the world and because AHS likes to turn hope and cheer into fear and terror, Santa was given a make over, or really, a make under.

He enters people's home and leaves after he has caused destruction in the form of rape or murder, or both. The truly horrifying moments were when he enters Briarcliff and crucifies Monsignor Howard after attempting to cane and rape Sister Jude.


Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.