American Horror Story: 6 Most Controversial Moments Of Season 3

3. Zoe's Killer Nether-Regions

What you're seeing in the picture above is the effect Zoe, one of the newest witches to the coven, can summon. Is she blowing that poor chap's mind with some horrendous incantation-based curse? Has she melted his eyes with just the power of telekinesis? No, the shocking truth is that this bloody reaction is what happens when you venture into Zoe's most feminine of areas. Any time Zoe has sex, the unfortunate man involved has a brain aneurysm. Again, this was a sign of intent from the writers, as this is one of the very first scenes we see in the third season. It's utterly shocking in just how quickly the mood changes from rebellious teenagers doing as they often do on TV, to a young man's brain basically exploding. Just to add the controversial sprinkles to this sundae of horrendousness, Zoe uses her power for a second time later in the series, but this time intentionally to kill one of the frat bothers responsible for sexually assaulting Madison.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.