American Horror Story: 6 Most Controversial Moments Of Season 3

4. Queenie And The Minotaur

Queenie, as previously discussed, is a woman of questionable, if well-meaning decisions. Attempting to educate a racist is questionable enough when that racist has actually tortured black people, but another decision of Queenie's was entirely more stupid in the very short term. As Marie Laveau unleashes the minotaur upon the coven, Queenie confronts him outside, with expectations predicting a showdown. But that never happened, and it's likely because that's not particularly controversial: instead the writers decided that Queenie should empathise with the minotaur's loneliness. Basically, she makes a move on the giant, bull-headed demon. The scene is brought to a close with the monster snatching at Queenie from behind her in a rather violent manner; we don't see Queenie again until she is found nearly dead (eventually going the whole hog before Fiona resurrects her) thanks to horrific internal injuries. You don't really need to question how Queenie got her injures. That's right, the writers of Glee included an incident of minotaur sexual violence in one of their projects. Can't see that going down at William McKinley High.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.