American Horror Story: Hotel - 10 Exciting Things Fans Already Know

9. Lady Gaga Will Be Starring In It

Gaga Ahs Hotel Gif AHS fans were shocked to find the name of the new season out from a rather unpredictable source in February. Lady Gaga released a video of herself making the announcement in a covered black mask. "American Horror Story", she said, before taking the mask off and eerily whispering "Hotel". The reaction was mixed, to say the least. This would be Gaga's first acting gig and some fans of the show have said that she would "mess it up". Others argue that Gaga is an amazing choice, because she is an entertainer of epic proportions, she has a passion for the creepy and has a lot of theatrical experience. The role she is going to have is still unknown, but it has been made clear that she's not "replacing" Jessica Lange as the lead.

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