Angel: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

5. Spike

Angel Spike

Spike had some brief guest spots in the show's first two seasons, and spent the vast majority of his unrivalled arc over on Buffy, fighting for his soul and falling in with the Scooby Gang. But just when you thought he couldn't get any better, he turned up as a main character in Angel's final season, putting his and Angel's centuries long feud on full display and almost single-handedly saving the show from its dismal fourth outing.

Spike has always been one of the Buffyverse's most complex characters, but by the time he comes to Angel, this isn't quite the case anymore. He knows exactly what he stands for, where his allegiances lie, and how he feels about himself and the world. But he still manages to be the final season's most interesting player, his rivalry with Angel reaching a violent conclusion and his place on the team seeming as though he's been with them since day one.

Funny, rebellious, brash and heroic as ever, Spike proves himself not only to be a changed man, but maybe even the vampire champion Angel's prophecy speaks of. Honestly, the only reason he's not number one (like Doyle) is because there simply wasn't as much of him as the following characters.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.