Angel: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

4. Lorne

Angel Spike
20th Television

Lorne (Andy Hallett) is about as loveable as any character in either Buffy or Angel has ever been. An empath demon, he is able to read the emotions and futures of people if they sing to him, a weird skill which nonetheless comes in very handy for Angel and his team's crusade against evil and all things villainy.

Like Doyle before him, though, Lorne is far more than a neat bit of exposition used to drive the plot when the others have hit a dead end. With the acting (and singing) talent of Hallett, and some killer make-up, Lorne is exactly the character that the show needed - light-hearted, fun, bizarre, innocent and just plain cool.

He's goes through quite a bit on the show, losing his precious club and being decapitated thanks to his relationship with Angel and company, but he never once loses that giddy optimism that makes him so endearing. Fans aren't likely to get over the demon's final moment, where he takes a human life and loses himself to the violence, but there's no denying that that ending - and what came before it - was simply divine.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.