Archer: 10 CRAZY Cheryl Moments

1. Cherlene

Archer Cherlene

Where would a list on Cheryl be without Cherlene? This is one moment which can’t be tracked to simply one episode, but instead an entire season. Whilst the main plot of the high-octane Archer Vice revolves around ISIS turning into hapless cocaine dealers, the subplot is entirely focused on our little psychopath.

In this season, Cheryl decides her dream is to become the greatest country singer of all time and reinvents herself as Cherlene (Johnny Cash beware!). Initially, Cherlene’s attempts are fruitless, much to the frustration of former agent turned music coach (again LONG story) Ray. But with the involvements of disturbing totally-not-a-Nazi Dr Krieger, Cherlene becomes a music star.

Whilst I could simply say the entire existence of Cherlene is this moment, highlights include begging a motorcycle gang to kidnap her whilst screaming “outlaw country!”, her scandalous album cover shoot where she was encouraged to and obliged in put ice pops in… certain places, and becoming the short-lived bride of her biggest fanboy: a South American dictator who bought a million copies of her album.

To complete this arc, the showrunners simply have her forget the entire season, making for some great moments of her bewildered at suggestions she was ever Cherlene. A stupidly funny way to end a stupidly funny character. Long live outlaw country!

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