Archer: 10 CRAZY Cheryl Moments

3. Cheryl Vs Tiffy

Archer Cherlene

If ever an episode of Archer fully screamed in your face that maybe Cheryl had a few screws loose, it's “Sea Tunt Part 1”. As we now know, Cheryl and her “gross” brother Cecil aren’t exactly on the Jaime and Cersei levels of sibling love. Maybe they aren’t as bad as Tyrion and Cersei, but they probably aren’t far off.

In season four's penultimate episode, the ISIS crew are aboard Cecil’s helicopter travelling to the site of a supposed hydrogen bomb. However, this is actually a devious ruse, at least from our perspective, by Cecil to get her co-workers to report on her mental stability so he can take her fortune for philanthropy. One by one, each member of the crew reports that Cheryl is, as we all expected, quite insane. Meanwhile, Cheryl is seen skulking around, yelling at voices and trying to prove there is a conspiracy against her.

But the episode's crowning moment comes when the maniacal millionaire breaks into the cockpit, piloted by Cecil’s unpleasant partner Tiffy. A few demands, an accusation of madness, a swell of the score and an iconic quote later (“shut up John Williams!”), Cheryl begins kicking ass. Note to self: do not try to take Cheryl’s fortune.

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Writer. Quizmaster. Nerd.