Archer: 10 CRAZY Cheryl Moments

4. The Tunt Fortune Revealed

Archer Cherlene

Cheryl’s personality isn’t the only thing that was drastically changed by the showrunners. Midway through the second season, Archer made its audience gasp with the dramatic reveal that Cheryl isn’t just a neurotic secretary, but an heiress to the wealthy Tunt dynasty.

The episode has some dynamite Cheryl moments, starting with a bang through her attempted kidnapping. Cheryl’s wild screams as she maces and air horns her assailant, her willingness to let Pam get kidnapped in her name and her casual continuation of her walk to work make this possibly Archer’s best opening scene.

Meanwhile, the episode keeps up the Cheryl-focused entertainment through the big reveal that Cheryl has inherited half a billion dollars through her parents’ deaths and she was unable to attend the funeral because Malory warned her about tardiness due to a daft story about being disracted on the subway by “dwarfy eyeballs”.

It’s vintage stark-raving mad Cheryl and it only continues with her lackadaisical jokes about her parents’ death and her hatred for her “gross” brother. Finally, the first appearance of the grandiose Tunt Manor, a major set piece in Archer Vice, and the first appearance of Babou the Ocelot, who Cheryl simply despises, makes for one of her finest episodes.

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Writer. Quizmaster. Nerd.