Archer: EVERY Season Ranked Worst To Best
A show that can't hear you over the sound of its deafening awesomeness.

Archer is a show like no other. With its uber-stylish animation, its incredible voice cast, unique and blunt humour and simply ridiculous story-lines, this is one of the best adult animations on television.
Having just finished its milestone tenth season and been renewed for an eleventh, now seems like a good time to pay tribute to the adventures of the world's TRUE best spy (sorry Bond) with a look at which of the show's many entries is its best.
Of course, this is a tough task. Every season is different, often radically so, and not one can be considered weak TV. All are unique, clever, and hilarious, and all offer a wide range of obscure pop culture references, bizarre themes and brilliant character arcs. Whilst some might not be as consistent as the others, and some may lack a certain level of freshness to its humour, all ten seasons are a treat to watch.
The following list will attempt to rank the seasons of Archer, taking into consideration the story-lines they produced, the jokes they created, the often hysterical situations our "heroes" found themselves, and the sheer originality and pay-off of each major plot.
Once you're done, it might be worth revisiting this perfect vision of a show and get binge-watching.
**SPOILERS follow.
10. Season Nine: Danger Island

Even though Danger Island makes the bottom of the list, don't despair. It's still a lot of fun, and captures much of what makes Archer such a good show in a wholly new light. And despite this not being the show's first foray into a new genre and theme, it seems it's most risky, following the mostly inspired story of Season Eight and continuing the idea of Archer, in his coma, dreaming up new and exciting adventures.
Ultimately, it ran the risk of running stale and alienating fans who wanted classic Archer back, and whilst the jokes still fire on all cylinders (Krieger as a parrot? Brilliant) and H. Jon Benjamin's Sterling is still nothing short of ingenious, there are still some issues which keep it from scoring any higher.
First of all, with only eight episodes, it's one of the two shortest seasons of the show, and the overall plot could have done with a more fleshed-out, confident narrative. Also, some of the more reliable jokes of the show - Archer's relationships with Pam and Cheryl at the forefront - seem kind of stale and recycled, despite still being dependably funny.
As a whole, it's still classic Archer. But unlike the seasons which came before, it adds nothing to the characters and simply re-hashes the relationships, interactions and outcomes of what preceded it. And it doesn't check in on a comatose Archer, which could have made the season more rich and engaging as an addition to his overall story.