Arrested Development Season 5: 18 WTF Moments
10. Those Star Wars References
With Ron Howard having directed Solo: A Star Wars Story, which of course released mere days before season five dropped, Hurwitz just couldn't resist including a sneaky wink or two at this fact.
First off, when George Michael is acting out some Star Wars-influenced fighting moves - wearing a Darth Vader helmet and all - Ron Howard comments that "He even inspired a certain move that would eventually appear two years later in a Han Solo origin picture."
Even ignoring the coincidence of Howard having a daughter named Rebel (Isla Fisher), there's another totally random Star Wars reference later in the season's fourth episode, when Maeby - in disguise at an assisted living facility - tells Stan Sitwell (Ed Begley, Jr.), "I lost all my paperwork in Hurricane Cantina."
They just had to do it, didn't they? And honestly, who can blame them?