Arrested Development Season 5: 18 WTF Moments

10. Those Star Wars References

Arrested Development George Michael Star Wars

With Ron Howard having directed Solo: A Star Wars Story, which of course released mere days before season five dropped, Hurwitz just couldn't resist including a sneaky wink or two at this fact.

First off, when George Michael is acting out some Star Wars-influenced fighting moves - wearing a Darth Vader helmet and all - Ron Howard comments that "He even inspired a certain move that would eventually appear two years later in a Han Solo origin picture."

Even ignoring the coincidence of Howard having a daughter named Rebel (Isla Fisher), there's another totally random Star Wars reference later in the season's fourth episode, when Maeby - in disguise at an assisted living facility - tells Stan Sitwell (Ed Begley, Jr.), "I lost all my paperwork in Hurricane Cantina."

They just had to do it, didn't they? And honestly, who can blame them?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.