Arrested Development Season 5: 18 WTF Moments
2. MRF = Mexican Romney Family

One of Arrested Development's worst-aged gags has to be the infamous Mr. F reveal - that it of course ended up standing for "Mentally Retarded Female", in reference to Rita Leeds (Charlize Theron) - but it was given a neat and decidedly less-offensive twist this season.
In Mexico, the Bluths find themselves in a territorial dispute with a group of men on horseback, announcing themselves to be the Mexican relatives of Mitt Romney (complete with an hilarious chorus blast of "Mexican Romney Family!" while "MRF" is sprayed on a Bluth property sign).
It's especially amusing as Mitchell Hurwitz originally intended to include this gag in season four, with George Clooney being courted to play one of the MRF members. While he couldn't secure Clooney, it was still a great little gag.