Arrow: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

8. Mari McCabe/Vixen

Arrow Nora Fries
The CW

Mari McCabe/Vixen is a unique entry on this list as she made her first appearance in the short-lived Vixen animated series before appearing across various Arrowverse shows.

The heroine's appearance in Arrow was a rare bright spot in the show's much derided fourth season and played a key role in fleshing out the ever-growing universe. Her animal-based abilities are varied, making every set piece she appears in that much more unique.

A fashion designer, Mari was born in Zambezi but was taken to Detroit to escape a massacre in her village. Over the years, she made acquaintances who eventually helped her learn about the true nature of her family heirloom, the Anansi totem.

During this time of self-discovery, she found allies in the form of Oliver Queen and Barry Allen. Vixen's alliance with the Emerald Archer was especially useful in the latter's search for his son William after Damien Darhk kidnapped the child.

Her mystical know-how was key in safely bringing William home and nullifying Darhk's power, something that was not even conceivable in the villain's earlier appearances.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.