Arrow: 10 Questions We Need Answered Before The End Of Season 4

6. Are The Flashbacks Building To Anything?

Arrow Damien Darhk
The CW

Gone are the days when the flashbacks coloured Oliver’s mission in the present and showed him learning essential skills to becoming the Green Arrow. Instead, this season’s flashbacks have largely featured Oliver running in circles while Baron Reiter looks for a magical artefact.

But is Oliver’s knowledge of magic, and the presence of Darhk’s idol the extent of which the flashbacks connect to the present-day storyline? It’s clear that these sequences have become a bit of a chore and it’ll be hard to swallow if that’s literally all that comes out of them from this season.

But is there anything else for Oliver to discover in the flashbacks? The idea that the audience would care about Taiana’s fate is kind of laughable and there seems to be little suspense regarding Oliver eventually ending up in Russia for next season. So is that it? Should we just expect that the last few episodes will draw out a final fight between Oliver and Reiter before Darhk secretly shows up at the very end to claim the idol?


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.