Arrow: 10 Questions We Need Answered Before The End Of Season 4

5. Could Oliver Still Become Mayor?

Arrow Damien Darhk
The CW

Oliver’s mayoral candidacy this season has been an important storyline, largely because it’s the only thing he’s been doing not related to being Green Arrow or his relationship with Felicity. Considering he’s the protagonist of the series, he needs other outlets to help characterize his life and give his character more dimensions.

Once he bowed out of the election, it looked like that would be the end of it, but there was a telling bit of dialogue last episode in which Oliver is informed he nearly won anyway as a write-in candidate. It’s unlikely that Ruve Adams will stay mayor after whatever goes down with Darhk, and Oliver would be the logical person to assume that role if she vacated it.

If he were to become mayor, it would certainly change a lot of things going forward. It would drastically alter his personal life and give him new types of battles to fight, even out of costume, but that kind of change might be perfect for the series. 


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.