Arrow: 10 Things Season 4 Has Got Horribly Wrong (So Far)

10. Anarky

While The Flash has struggled a bit in terms of introducing exciting new villains each week, looking at Arrow€™s first nine episodes, it€™s hard to make that same criticism. By largely keeping the focus on the enthralling Damien Darhk, Arrow has not been wanting for villains this year. That is, with the exception of one. Known in the comics as Anarky, Lonnie Machin has plagued Batman in recent years. He€™s hardly an A-list villain but his unique worldview has helped him to stand out. While Arrow has had success in adapting these types of villains before, Anarky was definitely not one of their better efforts. There was no iconic costume, no believable menace, and more importantly, no convincing reason for his behaviour. It€™s always tough to develop a compelling villain in such a short amount of time, but it€™s made even harder when the character in question has to live up to its more impressive form from the comics. In this case, Anarky sticks out as being the most lacklustre villain of the season so far.
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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.