Arrow: 12 Greatest Plots Of The Series So Far

2. A Monogamous Hero

Oliver rarely showed genuine shades of pre-island Ollie after coming back from Lian Yu, but the closest he€™s come has been with the women he€™s bedded. He did a lot of thinking with his downstairs brain even into Season 2 when he was on his upswing, and Oliver tends to get himself into trouble with his downstairs brain. How many viewers exactly wanted to high-five him after his quickie with Isabel Rochev while Diggle was rotting in a Russian gulag? He didn€™t even shower afterward. Oliver has been much more appealing as a character since jumping on the monogamy bandwagon in Season 3. Even when he felt that he couldn€™t be with the woman he loved, he didn€™t regress to his philandering ways. Romance has been a part of Arrow from the very beginning, and Oliver feels much more like a hero as a one-woman man than when he was swapping Lance sisters and/or sleeping with villainesses. Admittedly, the baby mama melodrama of Season 4 has been a huge misstep, but Felicity has been very good for Oliver. Hopefully, the show will stop regressing Oliver to the point of stupidity and get Olicity back on track in the background.
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