Arrow: 12 Greatest Plots Of The Series So Far

7. The Flash Is Born

Season 2 introduced a character who positively embodies the word €œadorkable.€ Barry Allen showing up to grin and gawk and geek out over science with Felicity provided a hilarious foil to Oliver, who spent most of their early interactions making fun of Barry€™s youthful looks and accusing him of being up to no good. Granted, Barry€™s motives were shadier than he let on, but Oliver was practically sulking about all things Barry Allen. Would big tough Oliver really have bellowed in pain at Felicity patching his wounds if he hadn€™t wanted the attention? As hilarious as Barry/Oliver was and as precious as Barry/Felicity was, however, the two episodes of Barry€™s run on Arrow set him up as a character who absolutely had what it takes as a character to become a hero in his own right. To this day, Barry€™s setup to be spun off is by far the most organic of the entire Flarrow-verse.
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