Arrow: 12 Greatest Plots Of The Series So Far

5. The I-Love-You Switcheroo

Arrow isn€™t always the greatest at balancing characterization and plot when it comes to €œGotcha!€ twists, but the show successfully pulled a fast one in the Season 2 finale when Oliver dropped an €œI love you€ on Felicity so that she could be his inside woman to take down Slade. Everything about the €œI love you€ was objectively wrong €“ too soon, inappropriately timed, dissonant to all the action €“ but it felt right thanks to Stephen Amell selling the heck out of those three little words. The €œI love you€ felt as real as it did wrong, but everything made perfect sense by the end of the episode. Oliver did the unthinkable by putting a woman who signed on to Team Arrow as the tech guru into the arms of Slade Wilson thanks to that €œI love you,€ but he also showed a huge amount of faith in her that he€™d pin his whole plan on her pulling off her half of taking down the big bad of Season 2. The €œI love you€ switcheroo to take down Slade Wilson is the best €œGotcha!€ that Arrow has ever pulled off.
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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .