Arrow 150: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

2. Blackstar Is More Important Than We Thought

Blackstar Arrow
The CW

Other than the fact that she was an experienced underground cage fighter, we previously didn't know all that much about the mysterious woman in the flash-forwards known as Blackstar. However, upon her return in 'Emerald Archer', we found out that her first name was Mia - a reveal that suggests she's much more important to Green Arrow lore than we initially thought.

In the comics, Mia Dearden was the name of the second Speedy, who took up the mantle after Roy Harper. Following her rescue from a life of crime and prostitution, she began training with the Green Arrow and, after a lot of persuasion, she eventually convinced him that she was worthy enough to become his sidekick.

While Arrow already had its own version of the character with OIiver's sister, Thea Dearden Queen (who was nicknamed Speedy and eventually went on to adopt the title as a crime-fighter), it's looking likely that the show has introduced a somewhat more comic-accurate version in Blackstar. Much like in the comics, this Mia even shares an apparent friendship with Connor Hawke and she's equally as determined to prove herself. The only questions are: what is she trying to prove, and why is she so anti-vigilante?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.