Arrow: 3 DC Villains That Should Appear

3. Lex Luthor

Smallville proved that other DC heroes could not only appear on television, but they can also fight other villains outside of the rogue€™s gallery. In the show, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow was played by Justin Hartley and he portrayed the character the same way as in the new show Arrow; billionaire playboy by day, Robin Hood by night. Thought the interpretation of the character was not as dark and violent as the character we see in Arrow, it still brought a very great concept; a past with the famous Superman villain, Lex Luthor. Ollie and Lex were classmates in the same boarding school and they shared a dark past. This origin worked for Smallville because all of the major characters were around the same age. With the new show, Arrow, they have the opportunity to use the Lex Luthor from the comics. The real Lex is a power mad super genius. He has interest in politics for the sole purpose of world domination. This version of the character would fit perfectly in the dark and realistic world that they are trying to make with Arrow.

After going back in time and successfully taking down the Empire whilst rescuing the Ark of the Covenant from the hands of the Nazis. I decided to hang up my blaster, bull whip, and Tardis to live a less exciting life as a student of History and Radio/Television/Film at Rowan University.