Arrow: 4 Characters That Absolutely Cannot Die (And 4 That Can)

2. Laurel Lance

Who She Is: Laurel Lance is one of the two members of Team Arrow who actually seems to have a real day job. She may not spend a whole lot of time at the office as an attorney, but she does at least work somewhere unrelated to Oliver. She€™s a masked member of Team Arrow as the Black Canary. Why She Can Die: Of all of the members of Team Arrow and of almost all of the regulars, Laurel is the character that most easily lifts right out. Without her Canary Cry, she€™s the most impractical fighter with her close combat weapons, and the show very rarely uses her for her role as a lawyer. She€™s also the character with significant enough of a relationship to Oliver that he would absolutely mourn her but with whom there€™s enough of a disconnect that he could get over her death. Laurel hasn€™t had a plot of her own ever since Sara was resurrected to be shipped off to the spinoff. Dinah Laurel Lance as Black Canary may be a big figure in comic lore, but the show does not hold to comic canon, and Laurel lifts right out.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .