Arrow Ending: 5 Spin-Offs That Could Replace It

1. Birds Of Prey

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The CW

With Beth Schwartz taking over as Arrow's showrunner this season, the show has finally started paying attention to its most interesting female characters, which is why it's rather upsetting to hear that the end is on the horizon. Having said that, this may be a blessing in disguise as it could finally pave the way for a more female-centric superhero series.

Ever since Sara Lance's Canary faced off against Helena Bertinelli's Huntress back in Season 2, endless rumours have circulated about a potential Birds of Prey spin-off. While there has yet to be any truth to those rumours, the aftermath of Arrow would be the perfect timing to finally make it happen.

The show has always struggled to do right by the Birds of Prey's leader, Black Canary, but with Earth-2 Laurel Lance's path to redemption seemingly taking her towards that very mantle, it would make sense for her to finally headline her own show as the leader of the superheroine team. Let's not forget that an upcoming Canary-centric episode of Arrow will see her team up with current Black Canary Dinah Drake, as well as her doppelganger's sister, White Canary Sara Lance, which could ultimately serve as a backdoor pilot for a Birds of Prey series.

Move the trio to a different city, bring back Speedy and Huntress and, heck, even throw in Felicity to fill the Oracle role and you have a brand new series that allows a vast portion of the Arrow cast to continue doing their thing in the Arrowverse and, ultimately, continue the story that Arrow started.


Which potential Arrow spin-off would you like to see? Tell us in the comment section below!


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.