Arrow Season 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

1. Crossover With The Flash

By far the biggest thing to get excited about this season is the fact that Arrow is going to crossover with The Flash. Both shows exist in the same universe, which means we'll be seeing characters and villains appear on one show and then hop over to the next as needed. The Clock King, who debuted on Arrow last season, is making his way to The Flash, while Flash villain Captain Boomerang is showing up on Arrow. Felicity will show up in The Flash's fourth episode, while a big crossover event, deemed "The Brave and the Bold" is planned for the eighth week of both shows. TV crossovers aren't something we see very often, and despite the fact that the Marvel universe is connected to Agents of SHIELD, it's not something we've seen explored in this capacity. Plus, as mentioned earlier, more heroes will be showing up on both shows. The Atom, Firestorm and Vibe are all slated to appear, and join the ranks of pre-established heroes Arrow, Flash, Canary, and Arsenal. That's a big team roster right there, leaving plenty of room for Justice League-sized crossover events and battles that make Deathstroke's attack on Starling City last year look like child's play. Tell us, what did you think of this list? Are you excited for Arrow's third season? Sound off in the comments below, and follow James on Twitter here.
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James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website,