Arrow Season 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

4. Laurel And Thea To Suit Up?

Arsenal and The Atom aren't the only costumed DC characters headed our way this season, as all signs point toward Laurel Lance and Thea Queen gaining alter-egos as well. Laurel is of course Black Canary in the comics, and will likely take up the mantle at some point this season. Her sister Sara is the current Canary, but in the season two finale there was a tease of a "passing of the torch," with many fans speculating that Sara will bite the dust at some point. Laurel is also going to have a story arc that includes Ted Grant, a.k.a. Wildcat, who's known for training such DC characters as Black Canary and even Batman in the comics. That is no coincidence. Then of course there's Thea, who ran away with Malcolm Merlyn at the end of the season and is apparently getting some training from him in season three. Some have wondered if she'll take on a role like Cheshire. In the comics, Roy Harper has a romantic relationship (and eventually a child) with villainess Cheshire, a member of the League of Assassins whose father is the villain known as Sportsmaster. On Arrow we could see a slight change to the character in order to have Thea make the villainous transformation. After all, she's being trained by Merlyn, a former League of Assassins member and has had a romantic relationship with Roy. It's purely speculation, but hey, weirder things have happened.
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James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website,