Arrow Season 4: 10 More DC Characters We'd Love To Appear

1. The Question

Naturally, because of their rich, playboy alter-egos and realistic, unpowered fight against crime, Green Arrow and Batman are often compared to each other. Yet, Green Arrow isn't the only hero who takes after the Dark Knight, as The Question embodies another side of the Caped Crusader. A genius detective and conspiracy theorist, Vic Sage is a journalist in Hub City that could share Oliver's outlook but offer a new set of skills. By night, Sage dons a pseudoderm mask that bonds to his skin and obscures his facial features so that he can go out and fight crime. An appearance in Arrow would fall in line with his approach, where he could be investigating the goings-on of Damien Darhk, the failings of the city, or even the identity of the Green Arrow. No matter the case, despite his shadowy nature and reluctance to trust others, The Question is an extremely useful hero, who does what many, including the Arrow, cannot. They could also pursue the modern, updated character, where Sage seems to be in charge of the new Suicide Squad. No matter the incarnation, The Question could be a perfect new type of hero to add to Arrow€™s roster. Which DC characters would you like to see included in this season of Arrow? Let us know in the comments.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.