Arrow Season 4: 12 Questions We're Asking After 'Legends Of Yesterday'

Time travel in an Arrow episode?!

Crossovers are always a special event, so after all the heroes joined up to protect Kendra in Legends Of Today over on The Flash, it was up to Legends Of Yesterday to provide the climactic finish to their showdown with the immortal Vandal Savage. All of the pertinent cliffhangers from the previous episode may have been dealt with, but the process of stopping Savage only raised more questions than it answered. Time travel and ancient Egypt were just a couple of the crazy things that popped up on Arrow this week and their presence has undoubtably changed things. Specifically for Oliver, his life has been quickly thrown into chaos, as he himself notes to Felicity. He€™s dealing with larger forces than he€™s ever faced, all the while trying to deal with the revelation that he has a son who€™s been raised in secret, away from him for all of these years. This massive development is no doubt going to spell change for all of his major relationships and actions going forward. Then there€™s the fallout of their victory to consider. Oliver already had his hands full with fighting Damien Darhk in Star City, but now there€™s even more than ever going on and that means that heading into the mid-season finale, there are more questions than ever.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.