Arrow Season 5: 8 Things That Must Happen Next
Oliver Queen - you have failed this city.

I think we can all agree that Arrow's fifth season has so far been the best thing since... Well, Arrow's second season. The show has gone back to its season 1 roots, with the return of serial killer Oliver, and the introduction of a villain who wants him to pay in blood for the people he has killed.
This all came to a head in the mid-season finale, with Prometheus tricking Ollie into killing Felicity's boyfriend, and the episode ticked all the boxes. The choreography is better than ever - that one shot of Prometheus's throwing star splitting Ollie's arrow in two is better than the entirety of Seasons 3 and 4 - and we even got some flashbacks we care about.
The show has taken a huge step in putting the mysticism of Season 3 and the soap opera of Season 4 behind it and starting afresh, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
Something as simple as filling in a few plot-holes will be enough to paper over some cracks, while more extreme measures are warranted in others. And that's not to mention that the season hinges heavily on how the show deals with Prometheus's reveal, and [SPOILER]'s return.
Arrow Season 5 has made some improvements, but there's plenty that still needs to happen when it returns from the mid-season break.
8. Thea Needs To Make Up Her Mind

At the end of the last season, Thea claimed that her Speedy days were behind her, instead vowing to save the city as Thea Queen, working to fight crime from the Mayor's office. It was a shame to see her hang up the Red Arrow suit, but it paved the way for a fresh start within the Arrow Cave, and Thea has been one of the strongest characters this season as a result.
She's often been the voice of reason, a wise head on young shoulders, and the way her experience has come full circle is a credit to the show. But if this is what you're going for, then commit. Thea has already worn the Speedy suit three times this year, and as long as there is a chance that she will return to Team Arrow, we will never fully invest in the new recruits.
Arrow is at its worst when it's toying with ideas, not sure if it's willing to go all in; Oliver and Felicity's relationship being the definitive example of this. Either have Thea commit to Team Arrow, or have her give up the suit for good. You can't just bring her back when the story needs another bow-and-arrowed character.