Arrow Season 5: 8 Things That Must Happen Next
7. We Need More Of Ragman In Action

Speaking of the new recruits, we've known Curtis for over a year now, and we can see where the Wild Dog character is going from a mile off, but at least he's developed enough for us to know something about him in the first place. Ragman (AKA Rory Regan) lost his family in the destruction of Havenrock, and he inherited his father's super suit, but besides the fact he is sad and magical, we don't know much about him at all.
I get that the show is about Green Arrow and everything, but Rory is practically immortal in that suit. There is literally no reason that Oliver shouldn't walk around with Ragman stood in front of him, just in case someone tries to shoot at him. We need more details on the suit and its weaknesses before we just discount Ragman as a secondary character, and frankly, you don't waste a voice like his on quips and exposition.