Arrow Season 7: 10 Major Predictions

1. Green Arrow Will Rise Again

Arrow Season 7 Predictions
The CW

Oliver Queen may currently be locked inside a maximum security prison with inmates that he was responsible for putting there, but we shouldn't expect that to last long. Granted, he will spend longer behind bars than fellow Arrowverse hero Barry Allen (who was imprisoned for a mere three episodes of The Flash), but that doesn't mean that his stint in prison will be particularly long - a fact that is made even more obvious by his inclusion the upcoming Arrowverse crossover.

However, this is about more than his eventual release/escape from prison. Yes, we know that Oliver will be a free man before the season's end, but it's highly likely that he will return to doing what he does best - saving people. With Star City in the midst of an anti-vigilante era and the Longbow Hunters on their way, we should expect to see the residents cry out for a hero. And just when they need him most, the Green Arrow will return.

This will undoubtedly cause a chain reaction of events that will ultimately result in city officials (and the FBI) lifting the zero-tolerance policy against vigilantes, proving once and for all that Star City needs them to protect it. In doing so, the FBI (and perhaps Agent Watson) will see that Green Arrow and his team aren't vigilantes - they're heroes.


What predictions do you have for Season 7 of Arrow? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.