Arrow Season 7: 10 Major Predictions

2. Roy Harper Is The New Vigilante

Arrow Season 7 Predictions
The CW

When Arrow Season 7 kicks off, Star City will look very different to how we left it. There will no longer be any heroes protecting the streets or stopping criminals because of the zero-tolerance policy against vigilantism. However, it won't take long for someone to break that rule.

As we all found out in the show's Comic-Con trailer, a mysterious new vigilante will be making his presence felt on the criminals of Star City. Wearing a costume identical to the Green Arrow's latest attire, the unknown assailant will operate with a rather violent approach and people will begin to speculate that the Emerald Archer has actually returned.

But it's not the Green Arrow. Oliver Queen is behind bars, and the remaining members of Team Arrow are trying to save the city without masks. That leaves one option on the board: Roy Harper.

Actor Colton Haynes will be returning to the show as a series regular this season, and with Roy officially in the clear, that makes him the obvious choice. Few of the remaining characters in the Arrowverse are as skilled with a bow and arrow as Oliver was, but the one person who might be is Roy. He learned from the master and was even willing to go to prison to protect him. Now, with Oliver actually in prison, look for Roy to keep the city safe in his absence.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.