Arrow Season 7: 10 Major Predictions

6. It Will Be A Much Stronger Season

Arrow Season 7 Predictions
The CW

Fans of Arrow will know that the show has struggled to maintain a strong standard over the course of its six-year run. It started off incredibly strong, under the leadership of Greg Berlanti, and produced two stellar seasons. However, when it was solely under the tutelage of Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle in Season 3, the standard began to drop - which ultimately led to the critically reviled Season 4. Thankfully, both showrunners worked hard to produce a much stronger fifth season and, although Season 6 lost some steam, it was still more than serviceable.

With Guggenheim stepping back into a consultant's role and Mericle departing altogether, a new showrunner, Beth Schwartz, will take the reigns - and this could be the dawn of a new era for the show.

Schwartz will undoubtedly bring a fresh perspective to the show. Having already been on board as a writer since the beginning, she knows these characters well. Furthermore, having witnessed what works and what doesn't, she will have learned from her predecessors' mistakes and know how to avoid similar ones in the future.

From what we have seen from both released trailers, Arrow's seventh season looks like it will have more in common with the show's earlier outings. From Oliver's tribulations in prison to the violence on the streets (and the mysterious archer that shows up to stop it), this season already looks enticing. This, without a doubt, bodes incredibly well for the future direction of the show.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.