Arrow Season 7: 10 Major Predictions

7. Felicity Will Go Down A Dark Path

Arrow Season 7 Predictions
The CW

Felicity has been part of Arrow for the vast majority of its run. Kicking things off with a recurring role in Season 1, she would end up becoming an integral part of the show soon afterwards, and was always on hand to provide a solution (or a playful quip) whenever necessary. However, this season, we should prepare to see a much darker side to her.

With Oliver now behind bars, she will most likely feel that it's her duty to fight back and be strong in his absence - something that is evident in the promotional photos for the season premiere. With her dip-dyed pink hair and nose ring - not to mention the bruises that she is sporting - she is a far cry from the quirky IT genius that we're used to seeing. In fact, she is more reminiscent of the pre-Arrow hacktivist that she once was during her college days.

Whether or not this is merely a rouse to get into the prison to visit Oliver remains to be seen, but it doesn't change the fact we're going to get a very different Felicity in Season 7. Undoubtedly changed by her husband's imprisonment and fearful of Diaz's presence, she will do whatever it takes to fight back. But how far will she be willing to go, and will she lose herself in the process?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.