Arrow Season 7: 10 Major Predictions

4. Black Siren Will Take Down Diaz

Arrow Season 7 Predictions
The CW

One of the more shocking moments of Season 6 came when the Big Bad, Ricardo Diaz, actually escaped in the season finale. This wasn't just a departure from Arrowverse tradition, it was a confirmation that we hadn't seen the last of him.

Diaz's return in Season 7 will be linked to this year's potential Big Bads, the Longbow Hunters. So, while he won't be the main villain, he will still be a significant part of the first half of the season at least. With his own vendetta to destroy Oliver Queen (and everything he loves) while undoubtedly doing his best to remain off the FBI's radar, he is still very much a danger to everyone in Star City.

However, while the heroes will likely be scrambling to find him and stop him, there is a wild card that could actually solve the problem for them: Black Siren. Earth-2 Laurel will undoubtedly be out to avenge Quentin's death, so she could very well be the key to taking him down. She tried to exact revenge in the Season 6 finale when she used her Scream to send him off a roof.

So, you can rest assured that she'll be out to finish the job properly. However, this time, finishing the job won't entail killing...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.