Arrow Season 7: 10 Major Predictions

3. She Will Also Redeem Herself

Arrow Season 7 Predictions
The CW

If there's anything we learned from last season, it's that Black Siren isn't all bad. Yes, she's killed people and yes, she's vindictive, but her connection to her father's doppelganger, Quentin Lance, has awoken a decency inside of her that not even she knew was there.

However, he's gone now and her former partner-in-crime Ricardo Diaz took him from her. So, expect to see the Earth-2 Laurel Lance take quite an interesting character journey this season as she will likely find herself caught between living up to her father's legacy and seeking vengeance on Diaz.

Taking Earth-1 Laurel's place in the public eye is her next step towards redemption. As the city's District Attorney, she has the chance to do some real good without having to use her abilities - and given that she may be liaising with fellow Canary and frenemy, SCPD officer Dinah Drake, she stands a real chance at following in the footsteps of her Earth-1 counterpart. So, expect her to ultimately overcome her killer instincts to become what Quentin always knew she could be: a hero.

With her Earth-2 origins, her metahuman abilities and her all-round badassery, Black Siren is the closest that the show has ever come to producing a comic-like Black Canary. So, with all this talk of redemption (and Team Arrow's retirement), it's possible that she may actually live up to Earth-1 Laurel's legacy and become the Black Canary.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.