Arrow Season 7: 2 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Crossing Lines'

1. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Arrow Agent Watson
The CW

The episode primarily focused on Felicity's alliance with the woman who helped put her husband behind bars, Agent Samanda Watson, as the two attempted to take down Ricardo Diaz once and for all.

After putting their differences aside, the pair teamed up with SCPD Captain Dinah Drake and former vigilante Rene Ramirez, effectively getting the band back together as they tried to corner the villain at the CDC. Unfortunately, their plan ultimately failed and Watson was relocated to a desk job as punishment by her superior.

While it was wonderful to see the charismatic Sydelle Noel back on screen, the whole thing felt like a bit of a letdown. If the creative team were going to go to the effort to bring a character as significant as Watson back, it seems a little redundant to write her off so soon. She wasn't included in the ultimate payoff and the whole thing made it come off like she was nothing more than a pawn in Felicity's big revenge plans.

So, what was the point in bringing her back, just to have her permanently disappear? She was a loose end that didn't need tying up.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.