Arrow Season 7: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From ‘Star City 2040’


4. Something A Little Different

Arrow Star City 2040 Roy Felicity William Zoe Dinah
The CW

Let's start with one of the most enjoyable things about this entire adventure.

When a TV show runs all year-round and produces 22-23 episodes on demand, things can get a little repetitive. Throw in the fact that the Arrowverse shows love maintaining the status quo and we're lucky if we see much change at all from episode to episode. With that in mind, you can see why it was somewhat revitalizing to see an episode focused solely on something else entirely.

Being a flash-forward-centric installment, 'Star City 2040' was rooted firmly in the dystopian future that we had seen all too little of over the course of the season and, as a result, gave center stage to William, Mia and Connor Hawke, while also making time for Arrow mainstays Dinah, Roy and Rene. Save for the final few seconds, none of the episode was set in the present, giving it more of a special, standalone feel. But the beauty of it was that it wasn't actually a standalone episode.

It managed to give us a little breather from the season's main narrative while also remaining highly integral to the plot. Now that is a feat worth celebrating.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.